2-in-1 function
Air collector OS32 Solar air heater, air ventilator with LCD thermostat: heating air Conditioner Conditioning Exhaust Fan Ventilator Thermal Panel Dehumidifier Heat Pump Ventilation Dehumidification water Attic roof vent gable
€499.00 €599.00Product details: OS32 solar air heater 2-in-1 Function: 1.Heating outdoor fresh air, applicable in Spring, Autumn and Winter; 2. Heating indoo...
Air collector OS22 Solar air heater, air ventilator with LCD thermostat: heating air Conditioner Conditioning Exhaust Fan Ventilator Thermal Panel Dehumidifier Heat Pump Ventilation Dehumidification water Attic roof vent gable
€350.00 €399.00Product details: OS22 solar air heater 2-in-1 Function: 1. Heating outdoor fresh air, applicable in Spring, Autumn and Winter; 2. Heating indo...
Air collector OS42 Solar air heater, air ventilator with LCD thermostat:heating air Conditioner Conditioning Exhaust Fan Ventilator Thermal Panel Dehumidifier Heat Pump Ventilation Dehumidification water Attic roof vent gable
€699.00 €899.00Product details: OS42 solar air heater 2-in-1 Function: 1.Heating outdoor fresh air, applicable in Spring, Autumn and Winter; 2. Heating indo...
Standard function
Air collector OS20 Solar air Heater heating air Conditioner Conditioning Exhaust Fan Ventilator Thermal Panel Dehumidifier Heat Pump Ventilation Dehumidificatio
€280.00 €320.00Nakoair Solar air heater No cost for heating Ventilation Dehumidification Humidification Healthy indoor climate. Avoid moisture, mold, fungus, ...
Air collector OS30 Solar air heater, air ventilator with mechanical thermostat:Solar air Heater heating air Conditioner Conditioning Exhaust Fan Ventilator Thermal Panel Dehumidifier Heat Pump Ventilation Dehumidification water Attic roof vent gable
€420.00 €499.00Product details: OS30 solar air heater Standard Function: Heating outdoor fresh air, applicable in Spring, Autumn and Winter Model No. O...
Air collector OS20LCD Solar air Heater heating air Conditioner Conditioning Exhaust Fan Ventilator Thermal Panel Dehumidifier Heat Pump Ventilation Dehumidification
€330.00 €370.00Product details: OS20 solar air heater Heating outdoor fresh air, applicable in Spring, Autumn and Winter. Nakoair Solar air heater No co...
Air collector OS30LCD Solar air Heater heating air Conditioner Conditioning Exhaust Fan Ventilator Thermal Panel Dehumidifier Heat Pump Ventilation Dehumidificatio
€470.00 €550.00Product details: OS30LCD solar air heater Heating outdoor fresh air, applicable in Spring, Autumn and Winter. Nakoair Solar air heater No ...
Air collector OS10 Solar air heater, air ventilator with mechanical thermostat
€210.00Nakoair Solar air heater No cost for heating Ventilation Dehumidification Humidification A healthy indoor climate. Avoid moisture, mold, fung...
Nakoair® LCD Thermostat for OS22/32/42
Deatiled please refer to LCD thermostat instruction manual How to use the LCD thermostat The correct clock must be set for the collector to work n...
OSF Solar Exhaust Fan
Solar exhaust fan A Ventilation Kit can be used as an exhauster for the humid air. An exhauster is necessary in the basement or other big buildi...
Z Luftkollektor OS22 Solarlufterhitzer Heizung Klimaanlage Abluftventilator Ventilator Thermopaneel Luftentfeuchter Wärmepumpe Belüftung Wasserentfeuchtung Dachboden Dachentlüftung Giebel
Nokoair® OS22 Solarlufterhitzer mit LCD Thermostat Nokoair® Solarlufterhitzer Keine Heizkosten Belüftung Entfeuchtung Befeuchtung Ein gesundes Raum...
z Colector de aer OS22 Încălzitor solar de aer, ventilator cu termostat LCD:solară aer condiționat Climatizare Ventilator de evacuare Ventilator
Nakoair® OS22 Aeroterma solara cu termostat LCDNakoair® Încălzitor solar de aer Fără cost pentru încălzire Ventilație Dezumidificare Umidificare Un...
Z Colector de aire OS20 Calentador solar:Calefacción Aire acondicionado Acondicionador Extractor Ventilador Panel térmico Deshumidificador Bomba de calor Agua deshumidificación Ático Ventilación de techo a dos aguas
Nakoair® OS20 Calentador de aire solar con termostato mecánicoNakoair® Calentador de aire solar Sin costo de calefacción Ventilación Deshumidificac...
Z Colector de aire OS22 Calentador solar, ventilador termostato LCD:Calefacción Aire Acondicionado Acondicionador Extractor Ventilador Panel Térmico
Nakoair® OS22 Calentador solar de aire con termostato LCDNakoair® Calentador de aire solar Sin costo de calefacción Ventilación Deshumidificación H...
Z Coletor de ar OS22 Aquecedor solar, ventilador com termostato LCD:Ar Aquecedor Solar Aquecimento Ar Condicionado Exaustor Ventilador Painel
Nakoair® OS22 Aquecedor de ar solar com termostato LCDNakoair® Aquecedor solar de ar Sem custo para aquecimento Ventilação Desumidificação Umidific...
Z Collecteur d'air OS20 Réchauffeur solaire, avec:Aérotherme chauffage Ventilateur Panneau Thermique Déshumidification eau Grenier toit évent pignon
Aérotherme solaire Nakoair® OS20 avec thermostat mécanique Nakoair® Aérotherme solaire Pas de frais de chauffage Ventilation Déshumidification Humi...
Z Collecteur d'air OS22 Réchauffeur solaire:Aérotherme chauffage climatiseur Climatisation Déshumidificateur Pompe à Ventilation Déshumidification
Aérotherme solaire Nakoair® OS22 avec thermostat LCD Nakoair® Aérotherme solaire Pas de frais de chauffage Ventilation Déshumidification Humidifica...
Z Collettore d'aria OS20 Aerotermo solare, ventilatore:Riscaldatore solare riscaldamento Condizionatore Aspiratore Ventilatore Pannello termico Deumidificatore Pompa di calore Ventilazione Deumidificazione acqua Soffitta sfiato a timpano
Nakoair® OS20 Aerotermo solare con termostato meccanicoNakoair® Riscaldatore ad aria solare Nessun costo per il riscaldamento Ventilazione Deumidif...
Z Collettore d'aria OS22 Aerotermo solare, ventilatore:Ventilatore Pannello termico Deumidificatore Pompa di calore Ventilazione Deumidificazione
Nakoair® OS22 Aerotermo solare con termostato LCDNakoair® Riscaldatore ad aria solare Nessun costo per il riscaldamento Ventilazione Deumidificazio...
Z Levegőgyűjtő OS22 Solar légfűtő, Napkollektoros levegő Fűtő fűtés Klíma Kipufogó Ventilátor Szellőztető Termo Panel Hőszivattyú Szellőztetés
Nakoair® OS22 Napelemes légfűtés LCD termosztáttalNakoair® Szolár légfűtő Fűtés költsége Szellőztetés Párásítás Párásítás Egészséges beltéri klíma....
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